St. Mary’s community is a place where we pray for one another and the world.


To reach the Rector for pastoral emergencies:
please call 929-266-6279 or email:

To receive the weekly Prayer List
please sign up for our weekly e-newsletter

Join us on Sundays for Worship, Prayer, Blessings, Singing and Healing!
10:30 am Holy Eucharist

Sunday 10:30 am Eucharist
in person with masks & physical distance* 
with spiritual communion for those online
Zoom: Mtg ID 700 867 563, password: praise
OR join by phone: 929 205 6099 (passcode 820010)

Worship bulletin/slides

Birthday and Anniversary Blessings during Sunday worship
on the 1st Sunday of each month.
Healing Prayers offered during worship
every 3rd Sunday of each month.

also on the 3rd Sunday
we celebrate  our bilingual (Spanish-English) community
celebramos nuestra communidad bilingüe (español-inglés)

Una communidad en la communidad!
La comunidad hispana de la iglesia St. Mary’s se reúne a tener un encuentro con Dios en oración y servicio. Están todos invitados! Trae un(a) amigo(a), trae un(a) vecino(a).
¡te esperamos! 🙏
para más información:

Friday 9 pm Friday Night Compline
Facebook Live: 

Pray with us!
Whether your prayer is coming to church on Sundays, stopping by the church to pray in the Sanctuary, joining a special prayer group, bringing food to people on the street, protesting police violence, a reflective Compline service , and/or contributing funds, we welcome you to be a part of this expanding community of action and contemplation.

“Our Harlem Prayers”

“Our Harlem Prayers” is an art installation designed by member Lysander Puccio, and created by the various constituencies of St. Mary’s, the reflective petitions calling for peace, for no more guns, for health (from the medical clinic), for children, to reflect love, justice, for jobs, affordable homes, recovery, and more and more.

 We ask your Prayers for ✠

The Missions endorsed by St. Mary’s Vestry:

The Black Lives Matter Movement 
Campaign to Close Rikers
Jubilee USA
National Mobilization Against Sweatshops (NMASS)
especially SWEAT, Secure Wages Earned Against Theft


Alcoholics Anonymous
Circles of Support
Columbia Harlem Health & Medical Partnership (CHHMP)
Connect NYC
the Episcopal Churches in Harlem (MNIPC)
Forces of Nature Dance Theatre
Harlem Havruta
Master Anthony Richards Martial Arts
Narcotics Anonymous
St. Martin’s/St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Harlem
St. Mary’s Center
Unity Fellowship Church NYC
Urban Qi

Our Neighbors

NYPD 26th Precinct
Eglise de Dieu
NYPD Emergency Services
Manhattan North Task Force
Old Broadway Family Residence
Old Broadway Synagogue
Templo Biblico
Every person who comes to St. Mary’s throughout the week,
and anyone who is not able to be with us.

And for the Broader Church:

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