please scroll down and click the link to participate in the Diocesan Mission Review! Add your voice, and help St. Mary’s be a strong presence in the future of our Diocese! No special knowledge or previous experience necessary.

Prayers requested:

If you would like to add a name to the prayer list or an event, please email the Rector.

We pray for all our ministries and all who participate: for our worship partners, St. Martin’s & St. Luke’s Episcopal Church; for the Mail Service (Mon-Friday 10am-2pm), and Movie Night; for St. Mary’s vitality; for on site ministries: Alanon, AA, CHHMP Medical Clinic, Connie & Jessie Mae’s Pantry (next 4/24), Martial Arts, Movie Night, NA, Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC), Three and a Half Acres Yoga, Urban Qi, and for all who are working in essential service roles. We give thanks for 200 years of ministry in this place.

for everyone in our parish:

We pray for the incarcerated, especially those on Rikers Island.

for our neighbors and partners: St. Mary’s Center, people experiencing homelessness, for all refugees, Unity Fellowship Church NYC, Forces of Nature Dance Theatre, African Services Committee, the 26th precinct, and Old Broadway Synagogue.

Today: Friday, April 19

8:30 am – 12 pm GrowNYC Compost Collections downloadable flier (Spanish & English) St. Mary’s Compost Collection site is due to close Friday, May 17; click image to sign petition.

11 am Alanon in the Undercroft
6 pm Movie Night (with COVID protocols) – 5 pm set up COVID precautions include mandatory masks & physical distance.
Movie Night needs your help! Sign up to bring and/or prepare food on a future Friday. Prepared food or sandwich makings & drinks for 20 people.

9 pm Compline Online St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Harlem facebook page
Saturday, April 20
2:30 pm Gentle Yoga in the Church

Sunday, April 11
10:30 am, Fourth Sunday of Easter with our partners from St. Martin’s/St. Luke’s, Harlem
Meeting ID: 700 867 563 Passcode: praise 10:30 am Service Zoom link to call in by phone: 1 929 205 6099, enter meeting ID and then passcode: 820010
or go to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Harlem page on facebook for the 10:30 am service.
followed by coffee hour.
12:30 pm R102 Conversations for Justice and Peace with Jim White.
Worship Slides

Worship Readings
Sign the Petition!

Lift the Ban on Bibles at Rikers Island

The Bishop of New York has asked for our help:  

The New York City Department of Corrections currently has a ban on printed
Bibles, Korans, and other sacred texts on Riker’s Island.

We’re calling on Mayor Eric Adams to lift the ban.

The claim is that those incarcerated on Riker’s use the pages to smoke.  While current New York City Department of Corrections policy allows for access to these texts via an electronic reader, in practice these devices aren’t available or workable for a significant part of the community on Riker’s.

The New York State Department of Corrections faces similar challenges but does not have a similar prohibition.

The opportunity to share the stories of our faith is spiritually important.  It also provides emotional support and can help build a positive community.
We’re inviting everyone to sign a petition to lift the ban— and to share with your networks.
8 am, Monday-Friday Online Morning Prayer with the Diocese of New York
A 30 minute Zoom service: join together daily in shared prayer— the foundation of our Anglican tradition and our lives as Christians.  Using the 1979 Book of Common Prayer rite II morning prayer liturgy, the service will include different leaders as officiants and feature diverse voices to offer brief daily reflections.
Join Morning Prayer with the Diocese of NY here

Diocese of New York Mission Review We need your help— and your voice.
We’ve launched a mission review to listen to our stories across the Diocese of New York and to set 5-year priorities for our mission.

God’s story for us right now is the renewal of our church for the healing of the world. We’re listening to each other in order to understand how we follow the Spirit
and change together.

The Holy Spirit moves at ground level.

Our diocese is congregations, chaplaincies, and schools across ten counties and three regions. Over the last three months, lay and clergy facilitators from across the diocese have hosted 30 listening sessions in every part of the diocese and engaged more than 300 participants to share what’s happening in the life of our communities and what support we need to thrive in the time ahead.

Throughout this listening process, we’ve used the lens of “renewal and healing” to understand how the Holy Spirit is moving in our churches and ministries, and how our mission as a church might contribute to the healing of the world.
At the end of this process, we will have a shared story about our mission as a church and a set of priorities that guide our diocesan budget and diocesan staff to support local ministries.

Take a moment to fill out the survey.

In the survey that follows, please share your feedback about the themes that have emerged from the listening sessions so far. There will be space after each question to add additional themes and thoughts.

Always remember to take care of yourself and stay connected!
If you are not feeling well, please stay home from activities with others; log in to Zoom and/or give us a call. If you have questions or want more information about COVID 19 in New York, please call the NY Department of Health hotline: 1-888-364-3065, or its designated website.
St. Mary’s Church | 521 West 126th Street, New York, NY 10027